FaasJS Request Specifications

To ensure consistency and avoid confusion during team collaboration, FaasJS offers built-in request specifications and compatible browser plugins.



  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Standardized as POST.


By default, the request path mirrors the directory and file name within your project.

Query Parameters

Discouraged. Use the Body section for parameter transmission instead.


Empty or formatted in JSON.



  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

Status Codes

  • 200 Request successful with response data.
  • 201 Request successful but without response data.
  • 500 Request failed.

Additional status codes can be implemented based on specific business needs.


200 Status

  • data (Required): Contains business information.


Returns a string.

  "data": "value"

Returns an object.

  "data": {
    "key": "value"

201 Status

No body included.

500 Status

  • error (Required): Error object
    • message (Required): Description of the error


  "error": {
    "message": "An error occurred."

Frequently Asked Questions

Why not use form data submissions?

Form data submissions have two main drawbacks:

  1. Limited format: data can only be submitted as strings.
  2. Nested data limitations: complex nested data structures can lead to excessively large submissions.

Why not use RESTful or GraphQL APIs?

RESTful APIs require a deeper understanding of verbs and nouns for developers.

GraphQL, while powerful, involves complex parsing and authorization processes. Utilizing frameworks like Apollo can be cumbersome within a FaaS environment.

Therefore, FaasJS adopts a simplified approach, combining the clarity of RESTful with the flexibility of GraphQL.

Requests are defined solely using action and params.