Documents / @faasjs/ant-design
UI components based on FaasJS, Ant Design and React Router.
- App component with Ant Design & FaasJS.
- UnionFaasItemElement and UnionFaasItemRender for custom union rendering.
npm install @faasjs/ant-design
In @faasjs/ant-design
, we use FaasItemProps
to provide data structures for components.
type FaasItemType =
'string' | 'string[]' |
'number' | 'number[]' |
'boolean' |
'date' | 'time' |
'object' | 'object[]'
type FaasItemProps = {
type: FaasItemTypes
id: string
title?: string
- App
- Blank
- cloneUnionFaasItemElement
- ConfigContext
- ConfigProvider
- Description
- Drawer
- ErrorBoundary
- faas
- FaasDataWrapper
- Form
- FormItem
- Link
- Loading
- Modal
- PageNotFound
- Routes
- Table
- Tabs
- Title
- transferOptions
- transferValue
- upperFirst
- useApp
- useConfigContext
- useDrawer
- useFaas
- useModal
- useThemeToken
- withFaasData
- AppProps
- BaseItemProps
- BlankProps
- ConfigProviderProps
- DescriptionItemContentProps
- DescriptionItemProps
- DescriptionProps
- DrawerProps
- ErrorBoundaryProps
- ExtendDescriptionTypeProps
- ExtendFormItemProps
- FaasDataWrapperProps
- FaasItemProps
- FormItemProps
- FormProps
- LinkProps
- ModalProps
- RoutesProps
- TableItemProps
- TabProps
- TabsProps
- TitleProps
- UnionFaasItemProps
- useAppProps